The Police Chiefs of Plymouth County announce that Plymouth County Outreach (PCO) is supporting a bill filed last week that would allow law enforcement officers — in addition to medically trained personnel — to provide civilians with the overdose-reversing drug Narcan (naloxone) and train them on how to administer the drug.
East Bridgewater Police Warn of Recent Spike in Drug Overdoses in Plymouth County
Chief Scott Allen and the police chiefs of the Plymouth County SUDs Outreach Network are seeking to warn residents about a recent increase in drug overdoses throughout the region.
Coalition of Plymouth County Police Departments Awarded Grant for Jail Diversion Program
Chiefs from six Plymouth County police departments, which have formed a coalition to pool their resources have been awarded a grant by the state Department of Mental Health to improve the way law enforcement serve those suffering from mental illness.
*MEDIA ADVISORY* Plymouth County Outreach To Host First Joint Meeting Tomorrow
Plymouth County Outreach (PCO) is pleased to announce that all of its partner agencies will gather for its first-ever joint meeting