Kathleen I. Tyrell, Superintendent
180 Harborview Road
Hull, MA 02045
For Immediate Release
Monday, April 3, 2017
Contact: John Guilfoil
Phone: 617-993-0003
Email: john@jgpr.net
Hull Memorial Middle School Students Write and Publish Online Newspaper
HULL — Memorial Middle School Principal Anthony Hrivnak is pleased to announce that several students have begun writing and publishing an online newspaper to inform the community about relevant news and events occurring in the district.
Called the Memorial Monthly, the newspaper is published to the school’s blog and Schoology, an online learning platform used across all three grades at the middle school, once every month.
Each edition features articles written by students in grades six through eight on topics including What’s New Around School, Sports, Science, Politics, Fashion and Art Critiques.
The Newspaper Club began in September 2016. English Language Arts Teacher Siobhan Gearty organized the class to give students an opportunity to share experiences and ideas, practice writing coherent sentences, and discuss author’s tone, interviewing skills, reaching a wider audience, and the writing process.
Every Friday, during their enrichment class period, students meet to discuss, determine and research article topics. They then interview sources, write and peer edit their pieces, and determine the layout for the paper. Many students spend additional time outside of class to perfect their stories. Student photographers also contribute to the newspaper to add complementary images to each piece.
Current student journalists include: Jaden Stilphen, Lily Putnam Resnik, Adajean Purcell, Timothy O’Hayre, Nina Tiani, Gianna Quatromoni, Faye Lofgren, Sydney Lawson, Madelyn Brooks, Robert Hunter, Parry Harper, Lizzie Luggelle, Emma Carney, Anthony Amador, Matthew Powers and Matthew Schaffer. Petra Bechtold serves at the student editor-in-chief and political columnist.
“As a middle school, we’re proud to be able to offer a class where students can get an early look into journalism and produce a product they’re excited about,” Principal Hrivnak said. “The Memorial Monthly is also a great opportunity for students to develop crucial writing and interviewing skills that will help them later on in their studies.”
The Newspaper Club is open to all three grades and is always seeking new journalists, artists and photographers. For middle school students interested in joining the club, sign up for Enrichment and Intervention with Miss Gearty.