Randolph Man Charged with 24 Counts of Animal Cruelty

RANDOLPH — The Randolph Police Department and the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) Law Enforcement Department recently collaborated on an animal cruelty case that resulted in the removal of 24 dogs and puppies from a Randolph home.
Representatives from The Animal Rescue League of Boston and the Randolph Police Department will be available to speak to members of the media about the case on Tuesday, Aug. 17. Additionally, two of the puppies will be in attendance at the media availability.
While the dogs are not currently up for adoption, they are with foster families and the Animal Rescue League of Boston will soon be looking for new homes for the dogs.
Tuesday, Aug. 17 at 11 a.m.
ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center, 55 Anna’s Place, Dedham
- Randolph Police Sgt. Robert LeGrice
- Randolph Police Detective Kevin Gilbert
- Randolph Police Officer Matthew Rodman
- Animal Rescue League of Boston Communications & Media Relations Officer Mike DeFina
- Animal Rescue League of Boston Law Enforcement Senior Investigator Lt. Alan Borgal
On Wednesday, Aug. 4 at approximately noon, Randolph Police officers responded to a home on Bossi Avenue after receiving a report that a male resident at the home had threatened a person who was doing work at the residence.
Upon arrival, officers spoke with the suspect, later identified as URIE LOUISSAINT, AGE 28, OF RANDOLPH, who consented to a search of his home.
Officers entered the home and found its interior to be in a state of squalor with animal waste throughout. Inside the home, officers located four adult dogs and 20 puppies allegedly living in unsanitary conditions without adequate access to food and water.
The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s Law Enforcement Department was immediately contacted and responded to the scene, coordinating with ARL Field Services to remove the dogs and transport them to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.
In all, one male and three female dogs that are approximately two to four years of age, and 20 puppies ranging from two to four months old — all believed to be Pitbull-type dogs — were removed from the home.
ARL’s shelter medicine team has examined the dogs. One puppy, a 4-month-old male, was determined to have a broken leg and will remain in ARL’s care until healed. Umbilical hernias have been detected in some of the dogs, which will require surgery before adoption and some of the animals have heart murmurs.
The dogs have been placed into foster care and are not currently available for adoption. It is expected that most the dogs will be ready to find new homes within a few weeks and an announcement will be made by the ARL.
“The Animal Rescue of Boston cannot commend Randolph Police and Animal Control enough,” stated ARL Law Enforcement Senior Investigator Lt. Alan Borgal. “Everyone involved in this situation demonstrated a high level of professionalism, compassion and the steadfast commitment to removing these animals from the residence quickly and getting them the care they needed.”
Randolph Police Commander Robert Emerson said, “We are pleased to have been able to remove these animals from the poor conditions they were living in. I would like to thank the ARL Law Enforcement and Field Services teams for their quick response and assistance at the scene, as well as the shelter medicine teams and foster care network for their dedication to caring for the dogs. I would also like to praise our responding officers who were called to the house on an unrelated issue and noticed that the situation the animals were living in was not acceptable.”
LOUISSAINT was charged with 24 counts of Animal Cruelty and one count of Threats to Commit a Crime. He was issued a summons to appear in court and will be arraigned at a later date at Quincy District Court.
Anyone who wishes to donate directly to ARL to help animals in need can donate at: Donate Now – Animal Rescue League of Boston.
Additional media inquiries regarding the dogs should be directed to ARL Communications & Media Relations Officer Mike DeFina at 617-226-5649 or mdefina@arlboston.org.
These are allegations. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.