PLYMOUTH — Police Chief Dana Flynn and Fire Chief Neil Foley regret to report that the body of a missing 69-year-old man was located in Plymouth today after a four-day search.
*UPDATE* Plymouth Fire and Police Department 911 Systems Fully Restored Following Partial Outage
PLYMOUTH — Fire Chief Neil Foley and Police Chief Dana A. Flynn report that the partial outage to the Plymouth Fire and Police Department 911 systems has been resolved and the emergency phone lines in town have been fully restored.
Plymouth Fire and Police Departments Experiencing Partial 911 Outage
For Emergencies Call 911 First, Then Call Police or Fire Dispatch Lines If You Experience Trouble Getting Through Police – 508-746-1212Fire – 508-746-2211 PLYMOUTH — Fire Chief Neil Foley and Police Chief Dana A. Flynn report that the Plymouth Fire and Police Departments are currently experiencing a partial outage to their 911 systems townwide, due […]
Plymouth County Outreach to Co-Host Drug Take-Back Event April 24
PLYMOUTH — Plymouth County Outreach will be hosting a spring drug take-back event later this month.
Plymouth Fire Department Helps Escort Mayflower II Into Plymouth Harbor
PLYMOUTH — Chief G. Edward Bradley is pleased to announce that the Plymouth Fire Department assisted local and state agencies to provide an escort for the renovated Mayflower II ship into Plymouth Harbor on Monday, Aug. 10.