NEW LONDON, N.H. — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to announce Kearsarge Regional High School’s October student of the month.
Kearsarge Regional High School Announces September Student of the Month
NEW LONDON, N.H. — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to announce Kearsarge Regional High School’s September student of the month.
Kearsarge Students Create Virtual Time Capsule Reflecting on COVID-19
NEW LONDON, N.H. — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to share that ninth graders at Kearsarge Regional High finished the school year with a project unique to this historic moment in time– creating “artifacts” representative of their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kearsarge to Share Graduation Ceremony Video with Class of 2020
NEW LONDON, N.H. — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg and Principal Robert Bennett are pleased to announce Kearsarge Regional High School released a pre-recorded graduation ceremony video with students and their families today.
Kearsarge Students Recognized by Sen. Maggie Hassan as Granite Staters of the Month
NEW LONDON, N.H. — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to share that a group of Kearsarge students have been recognized by Sen. Maggie Hassan as Granite Staters of the Month of May for their efforts to give back to and support their community.
Kearsarge Teacher Named Distinguished Music Educator of the Year
NEW LONDON, N.H. — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to share that Kearsarge’s Susan Berlenbach, a 37 year veteran teacher of the district, has been named the New Hampshire Music Educators Association (NHMEA) Distinguished Music Educator of the Year.
Kearsarge Regional School District Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week
NEW LONDON, N.H. — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to share that Kearsarge Regional School District recently came together to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week.
Kearsarge Students Meet with Sen. Maggie Hassan Over Zoom to Discuss Community Service
NEW LONDON, New Hampshire — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to share that Sen. Maggie Hassan spoke with a group of Kearsarge students via Zoom about their community service efforts amid COVID-19 and throughout the school year this morning.
Kearsarge Regional High School Places Third at State Math Meet
NEW LONDON — Superintendent Winfried Feneberg is pleased to announce that the Kearsarge Regional High School Math Team placed third at the 2020 NH State Math Contest, held at Plymouth State University on Tuesday.
Statement of Kearsarge Regional School District Superintendent Winfried Feneberg
NEW LONDON, New Hampshire — The following is a statement from Kearsarge Regional School District Superintendent Winfried Feneberg: