HULL — Superintendent Michael Devine and Principal Christine Cappadona are pleased to share that Jacobs Elementary School hosted its annual Pajama Story Hour for incoming students earlier this week.
Hull Students Being Selected for Eight-Week Course on Promoting Inclusion
Superintendent Michael Devine is pleased to announce that Hull High School students will soon be taking part in a project meant to increase inclusion and promote diversity at the school.
Hull’s Jacobs Elementary School Students Participate in Annual Turkey Trot
Superintendent Michael Devine and Principal Christine Cappadona are pleased to share that Jacobs Elementary School students participated in the annual Turkey Trot race and pep rally last week.
Hull’s Jacobs Elementary School Students Partner with Local Artist on Art Walk Installation
HULL — Fifth grade students at Jacobs Elementary School are using their creativity to contribute to a meaningful art installation this school year, in partnership with local artist Carolyn Lewenberg.
Hull Middle School Nurse Named Unsung Heroine by Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women
Superintendent Michael Devine and Middle School Principal Anthony Hrivnak are pleased to share that Hull Memorial Middle School Nurse Sharon Striglio was selected as a 2019 Unsung Heroine by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women.
Hull High School Students Take Part in Annual Advisory Kick-Off Day
Superintendent Michael Devine is pleased to report that Hull High School students launched the 2019-2020 school year with the annual Advisory Kick-Off Day late last month.
Hull’s Jacobs Elementary School Students Participate in Fire Prevention Week Activities
Superintendent Michael Devine and Principal Christine Cappadona are pleased to share that Lillian M. Jacobs Elementary School students received a special visit from Hull firefighters in honor of Fire Prevention Week last week.
Hull Police Sergeant Graduates from Supervisor Training Program
Chief John Dunn is pleased to announce that Sgt. Craig Lepro completed the Roger Williams University Command Training Series: First Line Supervisor Course on Friday, Oct. 11.
Hull High School Art Teacher Selected as Secondary Art Educator of the Year
Superintendent Michael Devine and High School Principal Nicole Nosek are pleased to share that Hull High School art teacher Amanda Davis was selected as the Massachusetts Art Education Association (MAEA) 2020 Secondary Art Educator of the Year.
Hull High School Gym Flooded From Burst Water Pipe
Superintendent Michael Devine reports that a broken water pipe flooded the gymnasium at Hull High School over the weekend.