AVON — Town Administrator Gregory Enos, Fire Chief Robert Spurr and Police Chief Jeffrey Bukunt are pleased to acknowledge multiple staffing changes in the Town of Avon.
At the Thursday, Sept. 15 Board of Selectmen meeting, board members recognized Selectman Steven P. Rose for his dedication and many years of service to the Town of Avon upon his retirement. A pinning ceremony was also held for recently-promoted firefighters Joseph Aiello and Jeffrey Tibnam, and for new police officer Stephen Stenstrom.
Steven Rose
Rose officially retired from the Board effective Friday, Sept. 16, and was presented an official citation from the Town for his service. He became involved in local government in 1993 as a member of the Official Weighers/Bituminous Concrete and Old Colony Joint Transportation Committee, and has been a member of various boards and committees since.
Over the course of his tenure with the Town of Avon, he served as a Special Police Officer, was a member of the Industrial Development Finance Authority, Bylaw Committee, Library Trustee and Board of Appeals. He was elected to the Planning Board in 1994 and remained a member for 10 years.
In 2004, Rose moved to the executive branch of municipal government when he was elected to the Board of Selectmen in 2004 and served for 18 years, four years of which he served in the capacity of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the Town.
“Steven has an unparalleled knowledge of town meetings, the budget process, departments, boards and committees, employees, buildings and roads, and the citizens of Avon,” Chair Eric Beckerman said. “He retires with distinction from the Town of Avon and we all thank him for 30 years of loyal and dedicated service.”
Rose was also recognized by several members of Avon’s state delegation, including State Representative William Galvin, State Senator Walter Timilty and State Senator Michael Brady.
The Board of Selectmen have called for a Special Town Election to be held on Saturday, Dec. 10 to fill Rose’s seat. Polling hours will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Town Hall. Nomination papers will be available beginning Monday, Sept. 26 at the Town Clerk’s office. Visit the town website for more information.
Firefighters Aiello, Tibnam
Chief Spurr recognized Firefighters Joseph Aiello and Jeffrey Tibnam.
Aiello, who was pinned for his recent promotion to call captain, has been with the department since 2004 and served as a lieutenant since 2012. Tibnam, who was pinned for his recent promotion to call lieutenant, has been with the department as a firefighter since 2000.
Both members have been heavily involved with call firefighter training for many years.
Officer Stenstrom
Chief Bukunt recognized Officer Stephen Stenstrom, who successfully graduated from the 72nd Plymouth Recruit Officer Course (ROC) on Sept. 1 after 22 weeks of full-time training. He has begun his field training phase, where he will ride with field training officers to gain patrol experience.
For more information on Officer Stenstrom’s graduation, see the Avon Police Department’s news post here.