GROVELAND — Fire Chief Robert Valentine and Police Chief Jeffrey T. Gillen are pleased to announce that the Groveland Fire Department and Groveland Police Department will escort Santa and Mrs. Claus through Groveland Sunday morning.
Santa and Mrs. Claus will take a ride on a trailer provided by a Groveland business — Pentucket Paving — beginning at 8 a.m.
“I hope everyone will hear our escort coming and join us outside as we welcome Santa and Mrs. Claus to our beautiful New England community,” said Chief Valentine. “I’d like to thank the police department, the Town of Groveland and Pentucket Paving for helping us spread holiday cheer.”
The merry couple will start their tour of Groveland from the South Fire Station at 107 Washington St., and take the following route around town, with visits to most side streets along the route:
- The tour will begin at 8 a.m. and proceed on Washington Street toward the Boxford town line, visit Salem Street and heading toward Center Street, taking Center Street toward the Boxford town line, then Washington Street again en route to the Haverhill city line.
- From there the tour will head back toward Gardner Road, with visits to streets between Washington and School streets, eventually looping back to Salem Street about 10 a.m.
- From the town line, the route will return down Salem Street to School Street, onto Center Street to visit the area of Yale Avenue about 11 a.m.
- Streets off School Street, such as Wilbert Avenue, George Street, and Knox Avenue will be visited about noon.
- The route will pass Gardner Street, King Street, and Main Street, proceeding on Main Street about 1 p.m. to the area of Marjorie Street.
- The route will proceed on Batch Avenue, then Governors Road to Seven Star Road, and back down Governors Road toward Garrison Street about 2 p.m.
- King Street and Rollins Street areas will be visited before the tour returns to Main Street about 3 p.m.
Santa and Mrs. Claus will tour the town on a truck and trailer that cannot turn around on some streets, so parents living on the following streets are asked to bring their children to the end of the street to catch a glimpse of the visitors.
- Bayfield Road to Mulberry
- Sevenstar Road beyond Quakers Corner
- Cannon Hill Avenue
- Savory Lane
- Stocker Avenue
- Hardy Avenue
- Anne Street
- Oakland Terrace
- Pike Drive
- Wharf Drive
- Dewhist Street
- Hales Court
- Stephenson Way
- Lee Road
- Nelson Street
- Seawall Street
- Uptack Road from Etsy Way to the town line
- Sylvan Street
- Philbrick Street
“Please join us as we wish our friends from the North Pole a Merry Christmas,” said Chief Gillen. “I hope we can give Santa and Mrs. Claus a warm and jolly Groveland welcome.”