SWANSEA — Chief Marc Haslam wishes to share information with the Swansea community about the upcoming Evening Vigil to Remember Ethan Kielec.
Thursday, Nov. 10, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Swansea Veterans Memorial Park, Field #2
The park can be accessed from its Route 6 entrance, 347 GAR Highway or from 90 Milford Road.
Swansea’s Boy Scouts of America Troop 303 will host the Evening Vigil to Remember Ethan Kielec following the unexpected death of 17-year-old Ethan Kielec on Friday, Nov. 4.
Community members from Swansea are encouraged to attend to show their support for Ethan’s family and loved ones.
The vigil will include a candle lighting in remembrance of Kielec and remarks from Troop 303’s Chaplain and family and friends.