BRIDGEWATER — Town Manager Michael Dutton and Community and Economic Development Director Jennifer DeBoisbriand are pleased to announce the completion of Bridgewater’s Comprehensive Master Plan, a far-reaching document that is a blueprint for the physical evolution of the community over the coming 10-20 years.
The full Comprehensive Master Plan was last updated 20 years ago. Updates to selected elements of the plan were made in 2014, but the 2022 plan is the first universal update since 2002.
The Master Plan was created over the course of the last approximately three-and-a-half years. Work on the plan began in December 2018 and it was approved and accepted by the Planning Board in late May 2022.
Core assessment meetings regarding each topic of the plan were held with stakeholders throughout 2019 allowing consultants to learn about Bridgewater as town officials, residents and staff know it. Three public forums were held in March 2019, June 2019 and December 2020 for residents to ask questions and share input, and community members were also able to provide feedback via online surveys throughout the process.
The approved Master Plan includes an inventory of existing conditions and assessment of local needs and priorities. Collectively, the document presents both a snapshot of Bridgewater as it is today and a plan for the future.
Overall, the purpose of a Master Plan is to guide policy decisions that will shape the community’s physical, social and economic development through leadership, regulations, public investment and effective public engagement in the civic life of the town.
The document considers the existing conditions, challenges and opportunities, as well as goals, policies and recommendations for elements of the town, including:
- Land Use
- Transportation & Circulation
- Housing
- Economic Development
- Natural, Cultural and Open Space Resources
- Facilities & Services
View a copy of the Comprehensive Master Plan here.
“The Master Plan is a comprehensive and meaningful document that will help to direct the progression of the Town of Bridgewater for the next 10-20 years,” Town Manager Dutton said. “I would like to commend Director DeBoisbriand, the Comprehensive Master Plan Committee, and our consultants from Barrett Planning Group and McMahon Associates for their work over the last few years ensuring this document was a thorough evaluation of the town as it is and considerations for the future. I would also like to thank everyone who participated in the forums and provided feedback online. We look forward to working on implementing the plan’s recommendations.”
The Town of Bridgewater wishes to acknowledge Ken Barnard, William Callahan, Matthew Gerritsen, Nicole Holmes, Carlton Hunt, Susan McCombe, Stephen Rogan, Francis Sousa, Suzi Robinson and Mary Waldron of the Comprehensive Master Plan Committee; Judi Barrett, Fiona Coughlan, Alexis Lanzillotta, Tyler Maren and Catherine Dennison of Barrett Planning Group LLC; and Christi Apicella and Natalie Raffol of McMahon Associates for their work and efforts on the Comprehensive Master Plan alongside Town Manager Dutton and Director DeBoisbriand.