RAYNHAM — Police Chief James Donovan and Fire Chief Bryan LaCivita are pleased to announce that the Raynham Police and Fire Departments have once again partnered with the Raynham Knights of Columbus to host a blood drive next month and are encouraging residents to donate blood.
Friday, July 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saint Ann’s Church, 660 North Main St.
The previously existing demand for blood, coupled with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, has put a significant strain on blood collection efforts.
To combat supply shortages, the Raynham Police and Fire Departments, in collaboration with the Raynham Knights of Columbus, encourage residents to donate at the upcoming blood drive.
All those who wish to donate must register in advance. To register, click here.
Residents who register should choose whether they plan to donate blood or power red (the process of collecting red blood cells, but returning most of the plasma and platelets). All participants for power red must meet specific eligibility requirements and have type A Neg, B Neg or O blood.
Residents should note that the most common type of donation, during which approximately a pint of ‘whole blood’ is given, will take approximately one hour.
“We are seeing an alarming shortage of blood across the country, especially due to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Fire Chief LaCivita said. “By donating blood, residents can play a major part in saving the lives of patients.”
Added Chief Donovan, “We encourage any resident eligible to donate blood at our collection site next month to do so. One pint of blood donated is a lifesaving resource that can make the difference between life and death for a patient.”
Raynham Police and Fire encourage residents to exercise health and safety practices such as social distancing while at the blood drive. Unvaccinated attendees are advised to wear masks at the event, per state COVID-19 public health guidance.
For more information visit redcrossblood.org/missingtypes.