Town Offering Free Telehealth Appointments to Discuss Residents’ Emotional Health and Well-Being
HOLBROOK — The Town of Holbrook and Chief of Police William J. Smith would like to share important information with residents regarding an order issued by the Holbrook Board of Health relating to wearing face coverings in public.
The Board of Health issued the emergency order Friday, April 24, which requires all essential businesses to require their employees and customers to wear face coverings to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 as the number of cases continues to rise in town.
The order requires protective face coverings to be worn by employees of any essential business — which, as defined by Gov. Baker’s COVID-19 Executive Orders, include but are not limited to food establishments, grocery stores and pharmacies — when interacting with members of the public and when within six feet of a co-worker.
Members of the general public age 2 and older entering any essential business are also required to wear a face covering.
The order includes members of the public who are entering a restaurant for the purpose of picking up food for take-out.
Face coverings can be made out of household fabrics and materials, and should ideally have multiple layers. The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators, which should be left for medical professionals and first responders.
All grocery stores, retail stores and food service establishments must also make gloves readily available for staff as necessary to avoid touching “ready to eat foods.” Glove use is not a substitution for frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer.
In addition, any resident or member of the general public age 2 and older entering or exiting a residential or commercial building complex of greater than one unit must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth while in common areas and communal spaces, and must exercise social distancing in these spaces in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
Key elements to remember when wearing a face covering include:
- It should fit snugly against the side of your face
- It should be secured with ties or ear loops
- It should have multiple layers of fabric
- It should allow for breathing without restriction
- Fabric face coverings should be cleaned after each use and should be machine washable and dryer safe
- Always remove the mask directly into the laundry or trash and then immediately wash your hands
- Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth when removing your mask
Instructions for how to fashion a homemade face covering with no sewing required can be found here.
Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), face coverings should not be placed on children under 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
The order remains in effect until notice is given, based on the Holbrook Board of Health’s judgement that the Public Health Emergency no longer exists.
To see the complete order, click here.
Free Telehealth Appointments Available
The Holbrook Board of Health is also offering free, private Zoom or telephone appointments for residents to speak to a telehealth counselor to help maintain the emotional health and well-being of residents as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The sessions are available to all Holbrook Residents, and are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays by appointment only.
Click here to register for an appointment with the telehealth counselor.
“Taking care of your emotional health and well-being during this time is very important,” Holbrook Board of Health Chairman Katie Goldrick said. “Decreasing stress can help bolster your immune system and can help keep you and others around you healthy. We hope residents take advantage of this free telehealth counselor service should they have any need to speak to someone about their emotional health and well-being during this time.”