Chief Joseph O’Connor
219 Walden Street
P.O. Box 519
Concord, MA 01742
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Contact: John Guilfoil
Phone: 617-993-0003
Concord Police Provide 24-Hour Kiosk for Safe Disposal of Sharps
CONCORD — Chief Joseph O’Connor announces that residents will now have 24-hour access to a free kiosk at the Concord Police Station to safely dispose of their medical syringes, sharps and lancets.
In 2012, Massachusetts banned the disposal of needles, syringes and lancets in household trash. The new kiosk will give residents a convenient way to remove used and unwanted sharps from their homes. It was funded through a $1,500 grant from Community Health Network Area (CHNA) 15 and the Town of Concord’s Health Department.
“Residents and Officers identified the need to have better access to safe disposal of medical items,” Chief O’Connor said. “We are grateful to CHNA15 and the Health Department for their partnership and steadfast commitment to improving safety in our community.”
Community members who utilize the kiosk are asked to follow several safety regulations:
- All sharps MUST be disposed of in a sharps container or puncture-resistant container like a one gallon bleach bottle or a one-pound sealed, taped coffee can.
- DO NOT put loose needles in the kiosk.
- DO NOT use a glass container or a bag of any type.
- DO NOT leave a container outside of the kiosk.
- Always ask for assistance if kiosk is full.
The Town of Concord conducts twice yearly (spring and fall) events where residents can bring home sharps collection containers for disposal. However, the Concord Council on Aging expressed a need for more options for residents to dispose of these items, especially for those with medical conditions that require regular use of syringes.
“The Concord Board of Health appreciates the Police Department’s installation of the medical sharps collection kiosk,” said Public Health Director Susan Rask. “Installation of the kiosk makes sharps disposal available for our residents on an ongoing basis and is an important community health effort that ensures residents can dispose of their medical sharps in a safe manner.”
Those who would like to dispose of their medical syringes, sharps and lancets, can visit the Concord Police Station, 219 Walden St., 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
CHNA15 is a partnership between the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, hospitals, service agencies, schools, businesses, boards of health, nonprofit organizations and citizens working together to improve the health of member communities. The organization provides assessment planning to inform, program and fund community-based prevention and health promotion initiatives.