JGPR designed a news and events portal for the Town of Dighton, Massachusetts that is a one-stop-shop for all news within the town. The site is an online news magazine and events calendar that features town, fire and police news and events easily accessible by category on an image heavy homepage.
The website’s sleek design showcases the latest news in the center of the homepage, and each news category is accessible via a quick-to-navigate top menu bar. News categories can be added as necessary, and the current menu includes: COVID-19 updates, Public Safety, Town Services, Contact and Events. Also included in the menu is a Submit a Story option that allows users to share a news item or item of interest that could be posted on the site as well. This allows residents and business owners to be involved in the process of sharing town news and events.
The news portal is useful for communicating large amounts of information to everyone at one time, as well as a way for the public to find those updates in one dedicated place. The news portals are set up so any new item that is posted is automatically sent out on municipal social media channels, reducing the administrative time required to get out information.