CONCORD — The New Hampshire School Administrators Association hosted its annual gathering of Granite State school leaders for several days of professional development opportunities that they can utilize to better serve their home districts.
The theme of the Conference was centered on intertwining education with the “4 I’s”: inspiration, innovation, inclusion, and intentionality. Presenters, keeping the theme in mind, created sessions that covered various topics including constructing a comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion plan, developing and reviewing policy, navigating conflict, working with vulnerable families, and building leadership skills.
About 100 administrators from across the Granite State attended the Conference on June 28-30 at the Mountain View Grand Resort in Whitefield.
Dr. Henry Turner, author of “Change the Narrative: How to Foster an Antiracist Culture in Your School” and Principal of Newton North High School, in Newton, MA, delivered a Keynote Address. His presentation facilitated conversation surrounding race, gender, diversity, and equity.
Author, educator, and one of the nation’s most popular keynote speakers and professional development presenters, Dr. Debbie Silver, also delivered a Keynote Address on the importance of deliberate optimism and building a positive professional culture. She blended relatable anecdotes with humor to provide a lighthearted and enriching presentation.
Dr. Shari Camhi, President of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) and Superintendent of Schools for the Baldwin Union Free School District in Baldwin, NY, gave the Special Guest Presentation. She provided examples of how to apply structure and policy to promote meaningful learning, and highlighted the importance of creating hands-on, versatile learning environments to help students thrive.
Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District Superintendent Reuben Duncan, selected as the 2023 Superintendent of the Year, addressed the gathering as Distinguished Lecturer. He spoke about his professional and personal journeys, the difference between change and innovation, and the emotional rollercoaster of becoming a better leader.
“Change happens to people, but innovation happens with people. I spent a lot of time thinking about how that applies to me. I reflected on myself as a leader and found that I wasn’t happy. The people I led deserved better. I dug down to see who I wanted to be, which was a leader that led with unconditional love; but I needed to also unconditionally love myself,” said Superintendent Duncan. “This award is so meaningful to me. By sharing a bit of my own journey, success, and failures, I hope something resonates.”
NHSAA wishes to thank its business partners for their support in making the Annual Conference a success: Diamond Sponsors, HealthTrust, John Guilfoil Public Relations, Primex, and; Platinum Partners, Alma, Apptegy, Curriculum Associates, Discovery Education, Imagine Learning, iTutor, Lifetouch, McGraw-Hill, New Hampshire Army National Guard, Renaissance, R-Zero, Scholastic, School Care, the University of New Hampshire, and Winsor Learning.
NHSAA also wishes to thank members of its administrative staff for their effort and dedication toward making the Conference and Business Meeting a success.