LITTLETON — Superintendent Kelly R. Clenchy is pleased to share that Littleton High School students recently participated in the school’s financial literacy fair.
The financial literacy fair took place on Thursday, May 18. The event was designed to help students learn how to budget, manage, and spend their money responsibly.
Students were asked to provide their choice of career earlier this year in preparation for the event. On the day of the fair, students received a folio with a career profile, a mock paycheck, a randomly assigned credit score, and a budget worksheet.
During the event, students visited 13 stations where they had to make typical financial decisions they may face as a young adult. The various booths included housing, furniture, food, health insurance, clothing, transportation, charity/community service, education, luxuries, insurance (car and renter), savings, investing, and retirement, the Reality Wheel of fortune or misfortune, and budget counseling.
“The fair helped me realize that I should start saving money and stop my frivolous spending. It also made me think more about starting to build my credit,” said LHS senior John Feltus.
At the Reality Wheel of fortune or misfortune, students spun a wheel with 15 possible outcomes that caused them to either gain or lose funds, such as receiving birthday money or having to repair a vehicle. The purpose of this booth was to show students that life throws curve balls and that they will need to accumulate some savings to be prepared.
Upon completion of all stations, students received a ticket to put in for one of the prizes, which included a $100 Amazon gift card, a $100 gas gift card, and a $100 Visa gift card. Winners were announced the following day.
“The financial literacy fair was a successful and engaging way to help our students learn about the importance of making smart financial decisions,” said Superintendent Clenchy. “We would like to thank the community for its support in making this event possible and all our students for their participation!”
Littleton Public Schools would like to thank the Littleton Education Fund, the Littleton PTA, the Rotary Club of Littleton, Cowley Associates Real Estate, and MacKinnon Printing for their generous donations to help put on the event.