IPSWICH – Director of Public Health Colleen Fermon invites the community to participate in a community survey that will guide the Public Health Department’s use of Massachusetts Opioid Abatement Settlement funds.
The Town has been receiving municipal abatement payments since 2023. So far, the Town has received approximately $230,000 in funding, and it is estimated that the Town will receive more than $750,000 by 2038. The amount of funds distributed each year will vary.
Director Fermon, Ipswich’s Opioid Abatement Coordinator, has been working in partnership with Advocates for Human Potential (AHP), on a needs assessment and strategic planning process.
On Jan. 16, the Town hosted a community forum for residents to learn about the background and intended purpose of the funding and inform the community of how they can contribute to the Town’s efforts.
In a continued effort to gather community input, the Town has created a community survey. Participating in the survey ensures that the community remains involved in the planning process and assists with setting broad goals that maximize the funding’s impact.
To take the survey, visit: https://advocatesforhuman.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9mhouBt3RuCSKp0. The survey can also be accessed from the front page of the Town’s website, www.ipswichma.gov.