GROVELAND – JGPR Public Relations and Digital Associate Kayla Rochon, APIO, recently supported the Littleton Police Department and Littleton Public Schools during a tabletop exercise to discuss emergency communications.
During the exercise, Rochon provided expert feedback and best practices in the realm of emergency management public information and shared JGPR’s unique role in supporting communities during emergency situations and crises. She also provided guidance on how to effectively communicate with constituents and employees during a crisis or critical public safety incident.
Training included discussing mock scenarios including active attackers, unidentified individuals on school property, armed individuals on school grounds, and ALICE training procedures.
Rochon completed APIO training offered by the National Disaster and Emergency Management University in Rochester, N.H., in September. This course offers PIOs a necessary toolkit for use during escalating incidents, including strategic communications and incident action planning as it relates to Joint Information Center (JIC) operations.
Rochon offered various insights into best communication practices and collaborated with public safety and school officials to discuss new ideas and the role of the public information officer during a high-stakes situation. Insight included what communications channels would be and should be utilized, where media staging areas should be located, capacity for on-scene assistance, media management, press conference set up, and more.
“This was a great experience to provide our clients with hands-on support during an interactive exercise meant to strengthen collaboration and relationships across schools and the public safety sector,” said Rochon. “We at JGPR are continuously training and completing Federal Emergency Management Agency courses, which allows us to maintain an advanced knowledge of policies and procedures for public information officers, allowing us to provide in-depth guidance and advice to clients across the country.”
Rochon’s participation in this training is part of JGPR’s vision statement declaration to provide a “nationally-recognized team of innovators that connects leaders with their communities.” In addition to her APIO certification, Rochon has previously completed the prestigious FBI LEEDA Media and Public Relations training program.