EASTON — Chief Justin Alexander is pleased to share that the Easton Fire Department recently hosted first responders from agencies around the region for a federal radiological and nuclear training program.
The training was held on Jan. 16 at Stonehill College in partnership with the City of Boston Police Department’s Securing the Cities Program.
The Securing the Cities Program is a partnership with the US Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office and numerous regional law enforcement and first responder agencies. Through this partnership, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Office provides the greater Boston area with annual funding and non-monetary support to provide equipment, training, and subject matter expertise to support the detection and interdiction of illicit radiological materials.
The goal of the Program is to build and enhance local capacity to find and intercept radiological material before it can be used in a terrorist attack. One of the ways this goal is accomplished is by providing equipment and training on screening for potentially illicit radiological materials to subject matter experts with police and fire departments in the region. The Program is administered by the City of Boston Police Department’s Office of Homeland Security. The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office’s continued support has augmented the region’s enduring radiological detection network and allows participating agencies to better integrate with counter-terrorism initiatives already in place.
The Jan. 16 training was facilitated and instructed by the Counterterrorism Operations Support (CTOS) Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training. The training gave participants the education and experience to be part of response planning and mitigating actions that best prepare the metro-Boston area for all types of CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) events.
Easton Fire Capt. Tim Vamosi, Capt. John Dzialo, Lt. John McCormick and firefighters Tom Baker, Kevin Mulcahy and Paul Nolan attended the training. In addition to Easton Fire personnel, members of 13 other local police and fire departments and regional organizations also participated.
First responders received radiation meters and participated in classroom training and scenario-based situations to learn how to use the meters for emergency responses and to prevent radiological events or incidents. In addition to mitigating radiological emergency responses, the meters can be used for large venue protection and screening crowds or objects, and responses such as occupational or industrial incidents, medical incidents or transports, and transportation accidents involving radiological materials. The meters will now be carried by Easton Fire crews to be used as needed.
“While incidents involving radiological material are not among our most common emergency responses, it is important for our personnel to acquire knowledge and skills that will prepare them to respond to any situation that may affect our community or provide critical assistance in other communities,” Chief Alexander said. “We are grateful to the Securing the Cities program for helping to make this training and equipment regionally accessible.”