STONEHAM — Superintendent David Ljungberg is pleased to announce that Stoneham Central Middle School history club students were recognized for their submissions at the annual National History Day regional and statewide competition.
National History Day is a nonprofit educational organization that offers programming to encourage students to engage in history projects and hosts a national competition annually for students that succeed in local and statewide competitions. Students can submit projects, including research papers, documentaries, websites, exhibits, and performances.
This year’s theme was Frontiers in History.
Five teams from Stoneham submitted their projects to the regional competition, held on March 12 at Stoneham Central Middle School. The teams and projects were:
- Theadora Montgomery and Daniella Jermyn: an exhibit on Susan B. Anthony.
- Tyler Robelo, Colin Santos, Matthew Macone and Greg Georgountzos: an exhibit on Alexander the Great’s battle for the Granicus River.
- Emma Daly: a website on the Bretton Woods Conference and the creation of the World Bank.
- Isabella Cardalino, Mason Graves and Elsie Fisher: a performance on Bridget Bishop and the Salem Witch Trials.
“I found it very interesting to learn about Bridget Bishop’s family and the impact that her family had on her accusation as a witch. Families back then operated quite differently than they do today,” Cardalino said.
Daly, Cardalino, Graves and Fisher moved on to the state competition, which took place at Winchester High School on Saturday, April 1.
Daly competed against six other projects in her division and received the first-place gold medal for her website. Cardalino, Graves and Fisher received the silver medal for their performance. All four students earned a spot in the national competition in Washington, D.C., which takes place from June 11-15.
“Each of these projects represents significant effort and research by our students and I’m proud of all of them for their efforts,” Superintendent Ljungberg said. “Their success is a testament to how engaged they are with our history curriculum, and I want to thank Mr. Perry for the guidance he’s given to students as they’ve worked through their projects.