ENFIELD — Chief Edward N. Richards would like to invite community members to attend an upcoming Health and Wellness Fair/Drug Take-Back Day hosted at Enfield Fire District No. 1.
Saturday, Oct. 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Enfield Fire District No. 1, 200 Phoenix Ave.
Alex’s Army (the Alex Fisher Foundation) has partnered with numerous local organizations and departments to host its first Health and Wellness Fair/Drug Take-Back Day at the Enfield Fire Station.
This free event is open to the general public and community members of all ages are encouraged to attend. As part of the event, there will be free refreshments, demonstrations and activities for all to enjoy while learning more about health and wellness.
Event partners include the Enfield Police and Fire Departments, Drug Take Back Command Center, U.S. State Rep. Joe Courtney, Enfield Together Coalition, AFSP Suicide Prevention and more. Numerous community health and wellness organizations will also be present including the Department of Children and Families, Amplify, Celebrate Recovery, Parent Leadership Academy, Today I Matter and more. For a full list of community partners please refer to the event flyer.
As part of the event, community members are also encouraged to bring their unwanted, expired or unused prescription drugs as part of National Drug Take Back Day which is observed on Oct. 29. Residents can drop off unwanted pills or patches, but not liquids, needles or sharps.
National Drug Take Back Day is a no-questions-asked event that gives the community the opportunity to aid in the fight against substance use disorder by disposing of potentially dangerous expired, unwanted or unused prescription drugs.
The Enfield Fire Department looks forward to seeing all those in attendance!
About Alex’s Army
Alex’s Army, also known as the Alex Fisher Foundation, was founded by Kelly Fisher in honor of her son Alexander “Alex” Fisher who died at the age of 22 in 2016 from an overdose. The Foundation aims to educate parents and children about the dangers of abusing drugs and alcohol.