HULL — Superintendent Judith Kuehn and principal Anthony Hrivnak are pleased to report that students at Hull’s Memorial Middle School are making a difference in their community through the school’s Green Team.
Memorial Middle School is one of nearly 200 schools in the state that participates in the Green Team program (along with Hull High School).
Through the program, Memorial students replaced a fallen tree at L Street field on Tuesday, June 7. Student Scarlett Arevalo spearheaded the process when she asked to write to the Town of Hull for permission to plant a tree. Green Team members wrote to several Town committees, who all were fully in support of the idea.
Students also learned about the role of the Town’s tree warden, Erik Ahlstedt, within the Department of Public Works. Ahlstedt assisted students during the process.
As part of the project, Ahlstedt and Dig Safe assessed the area prior to the planting and then on the day of the planting dug up roots in the areas to expedite the process. Students used shovels to fill in the hole once the tree was planted.
“This was such a great experience for everyone involved,” said grade 6 science teacher and Green Team advisor Heather Weber. “Students learned about how to make a positive change in the community, and realized that their voice truly does matter. Showing concern for the health of our world is what the Green Team is all about.”
Students raised funds for the tree through two bake sales at the Memorial spring band and chorus concerts.
About Green Team
Green Team is an interactive educational program that empowers students and teachers to help the environment through waste reduction, recycling, composting, energy conservation and pollution prevention, and more. It is presented by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
The Green Team at Memorial Middle School has organized several events to promote environmental causes, including a bottle and can collection drive to raise money for Hull Seaside Animal Rescue.
For more information, click here.