IPSWICH — The Ipswich Select Board would like to inform the public that the School Committee and the Select Board will hold a joint meeting next week to discuss the possibility of building a combined elementary school at Bialek Park.
Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 7:30 p.m.
Ipswich Town Hall, 25 Green St., Ipswich, in Room A on the 2nd Floor
Discussion between the Select Board and School Committee about a possible proposal to build a combined elementary school at Bialek Park was initially scheduled to take place at the Select Board’s regular meeting scheduled for Monday, Nov. 15. Due to the importance of the issue, the boards elected to instead dedicate a joint meeting to the issue.
The discussion will focus on whether the Select Board is open to possibly building a school at Bialek Park, and whether the School Committee should begin engaging the community to gauge support for such a proposal.
To get additional input from residents and business owners, The Select Board also has scheduled a public hearing on the matter for the Select Board’s regular meeting on Monday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m.
Both meetings will be held in-person and also broadcast on Zoom for residents who wish to participate remotely.
For information on accessing the Nov. 16 meeting via Zoom, click here.
An agenda and information on how to access the Dec. 6 meeting via Zoom will be posted in advance of the meeting here.
Both meetings will also be televised on Ipswich Community Access Media.