High School and Middle School Switching to Remote Learning on Thursday, Nov. 19 and Friday, Nov. 20
WRENTHAM — Superintendent Paul Zinni reports both the King Philip Regional High School and Middle School will be switching to full remote learning on Thursday, Nov. 19 and Friday, Nov. 20 after administrators were notified late this afternoon of additional positive COVID-19 cases within the district and the potential for a significant amount of students and staff at both schools to have to self-quarantine.
District administrators were notified of three new positive COVID-19 cases within the school community today. This brings the current number of positive cases in the district to five.
Due to the circumstances presented by these new positive cases, there could be as many as 50 students that will need to self-quarantine, along with some staff members.
The decision has been made to switch to full remote learning for the remainder of the week as school nurses conduct extensive contact tracing and to allow for both schools to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
The district is working to notify all close contacts of the need to self-quarantine within the next 24 hours. If you are not contacted about the need for your child to self-quarantine within that timeframe your child is not considered a close contact. Please note that as more test results come in over the coming days, additional contact tracing may be necessary, and the district will make further notifications of additional positive cases.
All after-school events and activities will either be remote or have been postponed. A DECA event scheduled for Thursday is now going to be fully remote.
All students should follow their normal remote learning schedules for the rest of the week.
“We greatly appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to work through these issues as they are presented to us,” Superintendent Zinni said. “Everyone in the district is working extremely hard to ensure the health and safety of all students, faculty and staff.”
During the remainder of this week and during Thanksgiving break, we ask that all of our students adhere to social distancing and other public health guidelines to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 within our schools.