SWANSEA — The Town of Swansea would like to share tips for trick-or-treating and alternative Halloween activities to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Trick-or-treating will take place in Swansea on Saturday, Oct. 31.
Residents and communities should follow safe and healthy tips to participate in Halloween activities that may limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19. As a reminder, any Halloween activities are subject to the current state gathering size limits.
“We understand that many residents want to participate in upcoming Halloween festivities to bring some sense of normalcy to the beginning of the holiday season amid the ongoing pandemic,” Board of Selectmen Chair Christopher Carreiro said. “With that said, we would like to remind all our our residents of the importance of taking safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. No Halloween activity is worth being infected or infecting others, so we ask that all residents remain mindful of COVID-19 guidance.”
Should residents partake in trick-or-treating, they are encouraged to make individually wrapped goodie bags that can be placed at the end of a driveway or the edge of their yard for families to take. Those handing out candy should also wear a mask and gloves at all times and frequently wash their hands. Those who do not wish to participate in trick-or-treating are asked to shut off their outdoors lights as an indicator.
Consistent with the Halloween activity guidance released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some things to keep in mind in celebrating Halloween this year include:
- Enjoy Halloween outside rather than attending indoor events.
- Place candy on a platter instead of a bowl
- Instead of traditional trick or treating, opt for one-way trick-or-treating, with treats placed outside of the home for trick-or-treaters as a “grab and go” while keeping distance from others.
- Consider leaving hand sanitizer by any treats left out for trick-or-treaters to use.
- Wear a face mask or face covering. For more information on face masks and face coverings, please see the state’s Mask Up MA webpage.
- A costume mask is not a substitute for a face mask or face covering. To protect yourself and others, ensure you are wearing a protective face mask or covering instead of or in addition to a costume mask.
- Observe good hand hygiene, including hand washing and use of alcohol-based sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol. Carry hand sanitizer and use it often, especially after coming into contact with frequently touched surfaces and before eating candy.
- Refrain from touching your face.
- Decorate your yard for others to enjoy from their car or while on a socially-distanced walk.
- Hold virtual costume contests or pumpkin carving events.
- Celebrate with members of your household with a Halloween-themed meal, Halloween movie night, or by preparing a Halloween scavenger hunt.
- Maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet of physical distance from all other participants who are not members of the same household.
- Don’t enter anyone’s home while trick-or-treating and if a group is already at someone’s door then wait at a safe distance until they leave.
- Mark separate paths for trick-or-treaters to enter and exit your property when possible.
Families should avoid the following:
- Attending crowded costume parties held indoors, or any gatherings that exceed indoor or outdoor gathering limits;
- Going to an indoor haunted house where people may be crowded together and screaming; and
- Going on hayrides or tractor rides with people who are not in your household.
Stay home and refrain from Halloween activities, including handing out Halloween treats, if you feel unwell, you have tested positive for COVID-19, you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or you have traveled to or from a state that is not classified as lower risk within the last 14 days. For more information on lower risk states, please see the state’s COVID-19 Travel Order webpage.
The Town of Swansea would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween!