OLD ORCHARD BEACH– Town of Old Orchard Beach officials have launched the ‘Mask Up OOB’ campaign to remind residents and visitors of the importance of wearing masks in public amid COVID-19.
The Town has also crafted an informational video to remind residents and visitors of the importance of wearing facial coverings in public amid COVID-19. The video has been posted to the town’s website and can also be viewed by clicking here.
Residents are also reminded that not everyone who has COVID-19 is symptomatic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wearing a face covering reduces the chance of transmitting the virus to another person and vice versa. Masks are recommended by the CDC as a barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the mask coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice.
“Wearing a mask is an important step in protecting the health of residents and visitors,” said LaMontagne. “Everyone needs to remember to wear a mask so that Old Orchard Beach, as well as local restaurants and shops, can be enjoyed by everyone safely.”
Face masks or cloth face coverings are currently required in the State of Maine in public when social distancing is not feasible in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The order requires Maine residents to wear cloth face coverings in public places where physical distancing is difficult to maintain, as recommended by the U.S. CDC.
The State of Maine also requires places of business accessible to the public to post readily visible signs notifying customers of the requirement to wear cloth face coverings where physical distancing is not possible. It also allows businesses to deny entry or service to a person not wearing a covering.
Face masks are not required for those under the age of 2. Anyone who has trouble breathing or related medical conditions or who is otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance is exempt from the statewide order.
This order remains in effect until further notice. More information can be found at oobmaine.com.