WENHAM — The Town of Wenham Water Department announces that mandatory water use restrictions are now in effect.
Non-essential outdoor water use, including the use of water for irrigation or automobile and property washing is prohibited. Hand watering with a hose or bucket is allowed between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 a.m. daily until further notice.
Sprinkler and irrigation system use is temporarily banned. This ban includes water from private wells.
This decision was made in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection regulations after flows in the Ipswich River fell below the minimum level deemed necessary to sustain a healthy watershed.
Violators of this order will be subject to fines of up to $100 for each offense.
The Town offers the following water conservation tips to help residents throughout the summer:
- Water according to the town’s water restriction – watch for updates throughout the summer and early fall.
- Do not cut grass too short – keeping grass at least three inches tall shades the roots and reduces water loss.
- Hand water only when and where needed.
- Use plenty of mulch – mulch provides ground cover that cools the soil, retains moisture and controls weeds.
- Monitor children’s water play.
- Use a cover on swimming pools to reduce the evaporation of water.
- Collect and reuse rain water.
- Consider ways to use graywater, such as placing a bucket in the shower when you shower and use the extra water to water your plants and vegetables.
- Fix all leaks – not only faucets inside the house, but also outdoor faucets and
garden hoses. - Check your toilets for leaks – put food coloring in the tank and see if it appears in the bowl.
- Run only full loads in the dishwasher and the washing machine.
- Buy water-efficient appliances — look for the “energy star” label.
Staff will continue to monitor daily water usage and Ipswich River water levels, and make changes to the restrictions as appropriate.