LYNNFIELD — Superintendent John Scenna and the Lynnfield Center Water District (LCWD) Board of Commissioners announce that the Annual District Meeting and the Fiscal Year 2020 Special District Meeting will make place later this month.
Monday, June 15 — The Annual District Meeting will begin at 6:15 p.m. and the Special District Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Outdoors at the Lynnfield High School Athletic Complex, 275 Essex St.
At the Annual and Special District Meetings, residents will vote on warrant articles to elect officers of the District, approve the budget, transfer existing funds, approve tax levy appropriations, create a stabilization fund and supplement the current fiscal year 2020 operating budget. Additional information about the candidates running for election and warrant articles will be posted on the LCWD website at www.LCWD.US.
The LCWD continues to adhere to federal, state and local guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and, like many, has altered its operations during these unprecedented times.
In an effort to promote social distancing, both the Annual and Special meetings will be held outdoors on the high school athletic fields. Residents will be asked to sit six feet apart and must wear a mask.
The complex has handicap accessible parking and the meeting venue will be handicap accessible.
Questions can be directed to the Clerk of the District by calling 781-334-3901.