MEDFIELD — Superintendent Jeffrey Marsden is pleased to announce that Medfield High School and Blake Middle School welcomed teacher candidates from Mary Immaculate College earlier this month.
On Thursday, Jan. 9, four third-year teacher candidates from Ireland’s Mary Immaculate College visited Medfield Public Schools to observe classes and discuss curriculum and instruction.
Medfield Public Schools were selected to host the teacher candidates through their partnership with Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development. Medfield High School and Blake Middle School were specifically chosen to host due to their effective and engaging educational environments.
Medfield High School and Blake Middle School offered Mary Immaculate’s teacher candidates the opportunity to observe secondary education practices while focusing on special education support, co-teaching and business-oriented curriculum and instruction.
“We are honored that Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development chose our district to participate in hosting the teacher candidates from Mary Immaculate College,” said Superintendent Marsden. “One of the district’s main focuses is creating new learning opportunities for our staff and students. This visit not only allowed the district to share our teaching practices and experiences but allowed us to learn from the candidates’ own experiences and hear their ideas.”
The Mary Immaculate teacher candidates visited Medfield High School to meet with Principal Robert Parga, Assistant Principal Heather Mandosa and department chairs from grades six through 12 to discuss secondary curriculum and instructional methods. Following their discussion, the candidates received a tour of the school and observed a business class.
At Blake Middle School, the candidates observed seventh grade co-taught Math and English classes. During eighth grade advisory, the candidates had the chance to share their experiences as middle school students in Ireland with Blake students.
The candidates wrapped up their visit by meeting with Superintendent Marsden, Director of Innovation and Instruction Christine Power, Director of Student Services Mary Bruhl, Blake Middle School Principal Nat Vaughn and members of the Blake Middle School Special Education department to discuss supporting all types of learners in Medfield Public Schools.
Mary Immaculate College teacher candidates discuss educational support with Superintendent Marsden on Thursday, Jan. 9. (Photo Courtesy Medfield Public Schools)
Mary Immaculate College teacher candidates visit an eighth grade advisory class on Thursday, Jan. 9. (Photo Courtesy Medfield Public Schools)