Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Media Contact: Kelsey Bode
Phone: 617-993-0003
Town of Groveland Seeks Volunteers to Fill Positions on Multiple Boards
GROVELAND –Finance and Personnel Director Denise Dembkoski announces that the Town of Groveland is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on some of its boards and committees, including the Finance Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board.
The Finance Board has four vacancies and one alternate member vacancy. It makes recommendations on each article submitted to annual and special Town Meetings. The board meets at 5:30 p.m. every third Wednesday of each month, and adds additional meetings during budget season from February through April. The Finance Board typically does not meet in June or August, however.
The Zoning Board of Appeals has one vacancy and three alternate vacancies. The board is responsible for issuing special permits, granting variances and comprehensive permits, and hearing appeals from decisions of the Building Inspector. The board meets the first Wednesday of each month. Applicants with law or land use backgrounds are encouraged.
The Planning Board has one vacancy. Although the position is an elected post, it may be appointed by the Board of Selectmen outside of an election. The Planning Board regulates land development according to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law, the Town of Groveland Zoning Bylaw and the Rules and Regulations governing the subdivision of land and laying out of ways.
“It’s essential that the Finance Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board have a full membership in order to be able to fulfill their purposes to serve the town,” Dembkoski said. “We’re encouraging any residents who have the desire to serve the community to consider applying for one of these positions.”
Additional groups seeking volunteers include the Groveland Day Committee, which organizes and plans the town’s Groveland Day celebrations; Personnel Advisory Board, which reviews and makes recommendations on the Personnel Procedures Manual, which governs non-contractual, non-union employees; the Recreation Committee, which oversees softball, basketball and other recreation activities; and Open Space and Trails, which handles open space in town. Open Space and Trails will be an integral part of the Groveland Community Trail Project as construction begins, and will be deeply involved in planning fundraising and maintaining trails.
Residents that would like to volunteer are asked to email Finance Director Denise Dembkoski at with the board or committee of interest and a brief background about yourself.