Armand Pires, Superintendent
45 Holliston St.
Medway, MA 02053
Monday, July 22, 2019
Media Contact: Benjamin Paulin
Phone: 781-428-3299
Medway Public Schools Receives $60,000 Grant for Security Upgrades at McGovern Elementary School
MEDWAY — Superintendent Armand Pires is pleased to announce that Medway Public Schools was awarded a $60,000 Safer Schools and Communities Local Equipment and Technology Grant to make building security improvements at McGovern Elementary School.
Distributed by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s Office of Grants and Research, Medway Public Schools was awarded the grant to fund upgrades to outdated door hardware.
The McGovern Elementary School was chosen to receive the grant funds as it is the building with the oldest door hardware in the district. The door knobs and hardware of all classroom doors will be replaced with levered handles that can be locked from the inside. This eliminates the need for teachers to step out into the hallway to lock their doors, needlessly putting themselves and their classrooms at risk during emergency situations.
Improving internal door security is one part of controlling access to school classrooms and facilities. Visitors must already enter through the main office at all schools in the district.
Work on the project will begin once the grant funds are disbursed, which is expected to be in September.
“This grant is part of our continued commitment to stay aware of and address any needed improvements to the infrastructure, technology and equipment that affects the security of our schools,” Superintendent Pires said. “It is always our goal for our buildings’ security measures to exceed expectations. The safety of our students and staff is of utmost importance.”
The Medway Police and Fire Departments assisted during the grant application process, helping to review protocols and best practices for safety and security at McGovern Elementary.
Superintendent Pires would like to thank Medway Town Administrator Michael Boynton, Medway Public Schools Finance and Operations Director Donald Aicardi and Facilities Director Jim Kane and Medway Police School Resource Officer Robert O’Neill for their assistance and support during the grant application process.
Schools that applied for a grant were required to have an existing Multi-Hazard School Emergency Threat Assessment and Response Plan developed in collaboration with their municipality.
Consideration was given to schools that demonstrated need and proposed cost-effective and meaningful proposals that establish a more safe and supportive school environment to reduce instances of violence.
About the Safer Schools and Communities Initiative
The Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s Office of Grants and Research has made available $7.2 million for one-time grant funding for school districts and charter schools to use to enhance school security. The Local Equipment and Technology Grant is designed for schools to address critical infrastructure equipment and technology needs as it relates to school building security and the safety of students and staff.