Michael F. Devine, Superintendent
180 Harborview Road
Hull, MA 02045
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Contact: Jessica Sacco
Phone: 617-993-0003
Email: jessica@jgpr.net
Hull Elementary School Students Participate in Girls on the Run Program
Girls Play Board Games with Seniors as Part of Program
HULL — For the second year in a row, a group of girls at Lillian M. Jacobs Elementary School participated in the Girls on the Run Program as part of an ongoing effort to promote health and wellness in their daily lives.
On June 1, 27 Jacobs Elementary School students joined their peers from throughout the state to participate in the annual 5K at Hormel Stadium in Medford.
Girls on the Run is a nonprofit organization that inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident in their everyday lives through an experience-based curriculum that integrates running.
To prepare for the race, girls in grades three through five participated in a 10-week program at school. On select mornings before school and afternoons after school, they met with coaches to run and then engage in activities designed to build self-awareness and teamwork and foster goal-setting and healthy relationships.
The Girls on the Run program also incorporated a community service project. This year, girls decided they would like to give back to seniors in town.
On May 23, the girls visited the Senior Center and brought board games to play with members. Once there, they were able to work on their communication skills and learn more about a different segment of the community.
“The Girls on the Run program is a fantastic way for teachers and students to collaborate on an out of the box curriculum centered on health and fitness,” Principal Christine Cappadona said. “We were pleased to get the girls out into the community to spend time and learn from some of our longstanding residents.”