Superintendent Dr. Alan Cron
34 MacKinlay Way,
Rockland, MA 02370
For Immediate Release
Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019
Contact: John Guilfoil
Phone: 617-993-0003
Memorial Park Elementary in Rockland Celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Day
ROCKLAND — Principal Janice Sheehan is pleased to share that Memorial Park Elementary school students visited several local community organizations and businesses Friday in celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Day.
On Friday, Feb. 15, Memorial Park Elementary students sang a song, made cards and personally delivered treats to members of the community. The student visits were intended to thank each group for the services they provide the larger Rockland community.
During the school day, kindergarten students visited the Rockland Memorial Library and the Rockland Fire Department; first grade students went to the Rockland Senior Center; second grade students traveled to Rockland Town Hall and the Superintendent’s office; third grade students visited the Rockland Post Office and Mike’s Pizza; and fourth grade students made cards for the district’s school bus and van drivers as well as the school’s USPS letter carrier and UPS driver.
The annual Random Acts of Kindness Day is Feb. 17. By participating, students not only showed kindness but they also learned valuable lessons about government, public service and the local business community — things that all come together every day to help make our world work.
“Anyone of any age can show kindness. It’s something that brings us all together and it makes you feel good too,” Principal Sheehan said. “We wanted to teach our students an important lesson about the community while allowing them to spread their own messages of kindness throughout Rockland. We are proud to participate in Random Acts of Kindness Day.”
Memorial Park Elementary launched a year long kindness initiative this fall, and educators at the school have worked to show students the power kind acts can have through assemblies, kindness awards, postcards sent to students’ homes, daily kindness challenges, and readings about kindness.
The school has also adopted the hashtag #KindnessMP on Twitter to share the kindness initiative.
“At the end of the day, we hope these efforts help our students and community to work a little harder each day to be kind,” Principal Sheehan said. “We want these small random acts of kindness to help others throughout our community pay it forward. Memorial Park School will continue to promote acts of kindness and celebrate our students and staff who make another person’s day better with kind words and actions.”