Kevin Sweet, Town Administrator
Municipal Building
195 Main St.
Maynard, MA 01754
For Immediate Release
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
Contact: John Guilfoil
Phone: 978-841-9948
Maynard Officials Looking for Volunteers for Openings on Town Boards
MAYNARD — Good things are happening all over town and now is the time to get involved! Town Administrator Kevin Sweet is pleased to announce that several volunteer positions are open on town boards and committees.
“We are looking to some of our many talented residents to help shape Maynard’s future by serving on boards and committees,” said Town Administrator Sweet. “Our goal is to gather a group of dedicated volunteers to help make sure Maynard continues to become the best it can be now and in the future.”
There are positions open on several different boards in town, including the Zoning Board of Appeals, Bylaw Rewrite Committee, Community Preservation Committee, Green Communities Committee, Planning Board, Recreation Commission and the Retirement Board.
“This is not something that necessarily takes a whole lot of time, but it does take a level of commitment and passion for your community,” emphasized Town Administrator Sweet. “Many of the our valued community programs and projects have come from our volunteers and boards.”
To find out how you can get involved, contact Becky Mosca at 978-897-1301.